Some of the key software toolkits we have developed are described below. Please see our research pages for more.
SOCRATES is a unified platform for neural network analysis developed by Sun Jun’s team at SMU.
Unlike most existing neural network analysis approaches which are scattered (i.e., each approach tackles some restricted classes of neural networks against certain particular properties), incomparable (i.e., each approach has its own assumptions and input format) and thus hard to apply, reuse or extend, SOCRATES aims at providing a unified platform for neural network testing, verification and repair. Specifically, it supports a standardized format for a variety of neural network models, an asseration language for property specification as well as many engines for testing, verifying, and repairing neural network models.
SOCRATES is still in active development. Any suggestions and collaborations are welcomed.
The source code of SOCRATES is available at source and the benchmark is available at benchmark. More information are available at SOCRATES website.
In essence, smart contracts are computer programs which are automatically executed on a distributed blockchain infrastructure. Popular applications of smart contracts include crowd fund raising and online gambling, which often involve monetary transactions as part of the contract. Smart contracts in Ethereum are written in a programming language called Solidity. Like traditional programs, smart contracts written in Solidity may contain vulnerabilities, which potentially lead to attacks. The problem is magnified by the fact that smart contracts, unlike ordinary programs, cannot be patched once they are deployed on the blockchain.
sFuzz is a smart contract fuzzer which is based on and extends the well-known AFL fuzzer for C programs. It implements a novel adaptive searching strategy for maximizing the test coverage of smart contracts. It is the most efficient fuzzer Solidity/EVM smart contracts.
sFuzz is available for testing and evaluation at:
A research version of sFuzz is available at We welcome any enquiry and/or collaboration.
PAT is a self-contained framework for to support composing, simulating and reasoning of concurrent, real-time systems and other possible domains. It comes with user friendly interfaces, featured model editor and animated simulator. Most importantly, PAT implements various model checking techniques catering for different properties such as deadlock-freeness, divergence-freeness, reachability, LTL properties with fairness assumptions, refinement checking and probabilistic model checking. To achieve good performance, advanced optimization techniques are implemented in PAT, e.g. partial order reduction, symmetry reduction, process counter abstraction, parallel model checking. So far, PAT has 3502+ registered users from 932+ organizations in 87 countries and regions.
The main functionalities of PAT are listed as follows:
The latest version of PAT can be downloaded from the main website at: